the Skies! by Curtis Peebles (Smithsonian Institution Press, 1994)
is also another "must read". It is a history of the UFO phenomenon
and explains its connection to pulp fiction, hoax and misinterpretation.
there are the hoaxes. One of the first authors writting about UFO's
I came across was Frank Scully who wrote about saucer crashes before anyone
ever heard of Roswell. (In my opinion the Roswell story is purely
derivative of this earlier work. Even though the Roswell crash supposedly
occurred a year earlier than the crashes Scully described it was largely
ignored until the 1980's.) Scully's book includes some horribly bogus
science and his story is widely
discredited because his main sources turned out to be con men.
Then there are the crop circle hoaxes. Again the
original perpetrators have confessed though they
appear to have inspired many copycats. The problem with hoaxes
is that they truly call into question all related phenomena. As the
saying goes, "Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me."
And I find it curious that a subculture that thrives on conspiracy theories
would not recognize the conspiracy that hoaxing among them is.
I am an amateur astronomer I have seen what were literally UFOs -- Unidentified
Flying Objects. But I've never not been able to identify them --
even the one's that were so strange they made the hair on the back of my
neck stand up. Amateurs like myself spend countless hours under dark
skies observing and watching those skies. Not one that I know has
seen an inexplicable UFO. Of course we take the time to learn what
we are likely to see. We study the skies. And we are able to
identify both common and uncommon natural phenomenon. After all we
are out there looking for that one great discovery that we alone can claim.
Believe me if there were UFOs amateurs would know about them.
so would everybody else.
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