live in an increasingly complex and technological society. Surely
the best preparation we can give our children for life in such a society
should include the best science education that we can afford.
we are referendum voters or representative leaders we are all called upon
from time to time to participate in making decisions in issues with scientific
input or technological impact. Evaluating any of these (Is it a real?
Is it a problem? What should be done?) requires an understanding
of science (what it is and does) and technology (what we can and cannot
is a partial list (in no particular order) of issues with global consequences
that require knowledgeable decision making:
Ozone depletion.
Global warming.
Habitat depletion.
Species extinction.
Food Irradiation.
Wetlands destruction.
Acid rain.
Missile defense.
do we as a society want to handle such issues? What (if any) is the
best way? Should we rely on an elite group to understand them and
evaluate the alternatives for us or do we believe that we should each assess
each situation for ourselves and participate in the decisions? If
we claim to believe in the latter -- and I think that we are right do so
-- then we also surely expect people to be informed and even to inform
themselves about the issues they decide. This kind of personal power
isn't just a right. It's a privilege and one with which also comes
a responsibility -- a responsibility to always strive to make the best,
informed choices.
are some topics of interest to anyone concerned about the state of science
in the classroom Updated 12/11/02
to Tom Jonard's Science page
Created March 23, 2002,