are created in the Image of God. We are like God in that we too
But we are unlike God in that we are limited and we create Good and
Even our best efforts and our best intentions cannot guarantee the
of our actions. We fail and this is our nature. We judge
are judged.
believe in Jesus Christ, the only true human face of God. He
is wholly human and wholly God.
was conceived and born of God and humanity. He was the son of
and Joseph and the Child of God. He taught by word and act that
Kingdom of God is here now. He healed and comforted. He
and forgave. He laughed and cried. He sang and
He loved. He called disciples to follow him doing the same.
He worked and lived not among the high and mighty and secure but the
and lowly and powerless. He called to account his church,
and society. He called us to speak and act with compassion toward
one another.
the world needed a sacrifice he freely gave his life. Though he
innocent and his only offence was to offend the authorities they
him and sentenced him to death. And the mob of humanity went
with this. He suffered and died like us that we might know that
does not abandon us in suffering and death.
returned from death and he comes again now so that we know that death
not the end.
is Christ, the One given by God to call us in the Name of God to follow
God's Way.
Jesus Christ God is offering once and for all grace, reconciliation and
salvation to those who have turned away, stumbled and fallen.
is the embodiment of God's Grace for us and He calls us to respond by
the same for each other. In Christ we see God manifest as love,
hope, peace, meaning, strength and joy. Yet we also see that love
is not God; nor grace; nor hope; nor peace; nor meaning; nor strength;
nor joy.
Church in all ages and places is the Body and Presence of Christ with
and the Communion of those who have received and embody the Grace of
In the Church we are united with Christ, each other, the Church past,
and future, and the world.
believe in the Spirit of God who dwells with us and inspires, enlivens,
comforts, strengthens, delights and leads us in feeling, thought and
to see, understand and do what is required to follow God's Way.
Anything that inspires, enlivens,
comforts, strengthens, delights and leads us in feeling, thought and
action is spirit. The Spirit
of God is distinguished and known because it is uniquely revealed in
Jesus Christ. The Spirit of
God maintains the Church but is embodied and manifest in the
believe in the resurrection of the body which is the only self
we know.
believe in life in the presence of God which is full, complete and
to Tom Jonard's Faith page.